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Priestly celibacy: a sign of contradiction

Who is in need of such a witness?Much has been said in many places as to why the idea floated at the Amazon synod as to ordaining married men to the priesthood is such a terrible one. I see no reason for going over those arguments again here. But one reason that I have not seen discussed (although, of course, it may well have been) was the powerful witness the celibate priest provides for chastity in this age of rampant … Read More

Advice from the Church Fathers

The early Fathers did not know the crisis in the Church as we know it, but they give clear direction on fundamental matters. Why would anyone want to study the Fathers of the Church?Learning about the early Church Fathers was something I had always believed I needed to do. Apart from a little about St. Augustine, I did not know much about these men, many of whom were martyred for the Faith. Ignatius of Antioch was one I had read … Read More

No – You Are Not Church!

The group “We Are Church Ireland” are sadly deluded in their claim. This self appointed group believe that they are the Church and that whatever they say should be what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. Their misguided beliefs are understandable in an age where proper catechesis is hard to come by, their incredible arrogance less so. Colm Holmes, a spokesman for ‘We Are Church Ireland’, in an interview for Soul Waves Radio referencing Pope Francis said, “Dialogue dialogue dialogue… … Read More