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The United Nations is the Enemy of Humanity

UN pushing anti-Catholic agendaIt is time to bring the United Nations to an end. This corrupt and evil bureaucracy has outlived what little usefulness it once had. It costs taxpayers in every member-State a large fortune in direct subsidies each year, and a still larger fortune in the indirect costs of paying for “climate change” and other non-existent pseudo-emergencies. The true raison d’etre of the UN is not to serve those who pay for it, but to expand its anti-democratic … Read More

Mass Migration is a New Form of Slavery!

“My country has a Muslim majority. I think I know what I am talking about” “All the migrants who arrive in Europe are penned up, without work, without dignity…. Is that what the Church wants?” Cardinal Robert Sarah posed this question in an interview given to journalist Laurent Dandrieu on the 27th of March for the French conservative weekly magazine Valeurs Actuelle. “The Church,” Cardinal Sarah said, “cannot cooperate with this new form of slavery that mass migration has become.  … Read More

Islamic Scholar – “Rape of non-muslims OK”

In 2014 a woman called Saud Saleh made some extraordinary statements.  These statements were made on Al-Hayat TV (Egypt) and can be heard in a clip by Memri TV on YouTube.  In the clip she talks of slavery having occurred widely before the advent of Islam and how Islam had “put (slavery) into order, by limiting it to legitimate wars between Muslims and their enemies.” She continues: “The female prisoners of war are ‘those whom you own’.  In order to … Read More