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How to survive the Age of Endarkenment without Eating your Dog

The Pope, abandoning even the slightest pretence at the political impartiality that his office demands, has come dangerously, culpably close to comparing President Trump with King Herod, who was responsible for the Massacre of the Innocents. The Jesuit house journal La Civiltà Cattolica describes itself as “reflecting the mind of the Vatican since 1850”. Last week, in that august if somewhat self-satisfied journal, Fr. Antonio Spadaro SJ reported the Pope as uttering the following words at a meeting with the … Read More

Vatican-sponsored “youth” event, a Mixed Bag

Reflections on the Meeting of Young People with the Pope and the Synod Fathers in the Paul VI Audience Hall (Vatican City, Saturday, October 6, 2018) Fr Nicholas Gregoris Amidst the downfalls of pouring rain on Saturday here in Rome, the Pope gathered with young people and the Synod Fathers in the dry confines of the Sala Nervi, also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall inside the Vatican City State. The Pope entered the vast Hall and made his … Read More

What youth really need today

In this article from the Catholic World Report, Fr Nicholas Gregoris looks at what young people need and at some of the responses they are given by the Church and the world. He says, “Teens are hormonal. Hormones, like feelings and emotions, mutate—and do so frequently. They are unreliable measuring sticks of goodness, truth and beauty.  The Church, on the other hand, is by her very nature “conservative.” The “Magisterium” preserves (“conserves”) the unchanging “Depositum Fidei” (Deposit of Faith) and … Read More