LENT: Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving

The greatest success the Evil One, the Father of Lies, has perpetrated in our time is to persuade the world that he does not exist. He is not some socio-psychological construct of the human psyche to represent our shared experience of evil. Rather, the devil is very real and his kingdom seems to be ever growing. The existence of the devil and his minions was not something so swiftly relegated to the realm of the imaginary in the minds of … Read More

A Necessary Time

Time. We never have enough time, and certainly we do not have enough time to pray! However, there is often a sad reality beyond a statement like this: we have more important things to do. Everyone makes time for what they love most. Furthermore, in our fast-paced, egocentric culture, we want things now, and the faster the better! However, those who have ever reached a difficult goal know that what is needed is a necessary time of preparation, of training. … Read More

Septuagesima: Between the Keys

We have only just closed the joyful celebration of Christmas with the feast of Candlemas; and the liturgy has cast aside the festive gold and solemn white to vest herself once again with the green of hope during these last few Sundays of January and the first of February. It is hard to believe that Lent is already fast approaching, but that will be made clear with the arrival of Septuagesima Sunday. The ministers will don the violet vestments of … Read More