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Share The Good News!

Let’s start with some much needed good news! Readers may be aware that at the beginning of June a parish church in Dublin decided to fly the LGBT marxist rainbow flag. But after being up for less than 72 hours, the homosexual flag in the grounds of Our Lady of Assumption Church in Ballyfermot, Dublin, was removed due to popular outrage. The Archbishop of Dublin instructed the parish to remove the flag. However, reparation still needed to be done. The … Read More

Holy Communion and Abortion

Many Catholics and also non-Catholics who, while they do not embrace the Catholic faith, respect the Catholic Church for her teaching regarding faith and morals, have asked me how it is possible for Catholics to receive Holy Communion, while at the same time they publicly and obstinately promote programs, policies and legislation in direct violation of the moral law. In particular, they ask how Catholic politicians and civil officials who publicly and obstinately defend and promote the practice of abortion … Read More

Blessings In Disguise

As readers will know we are currently living and working in England, we are very keen to return to Ireland but this will not be possible until Kim’s back has healed well enough to cope with the journey home, progress is steady but slow and it is likely we will have to stay here until the summer. One of the advantages of being in England is that I am able to attend Mass several times a week. The spaces are … Read More