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Publicly Opposing All Child Abuse

PARENTAL WARNINGTHIS ARTICLE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN We live in very dark times where the light of Christ is almost eclipsed by the evils rampant in our world. Our bishops, by and large, are following a worldly path where the laws of the secular State are given precedence over the laws of God and over the laws of the Catholic Church. This is why we must pray earnestly for our bishops and we must challenge them to restore the … Read More

State Enforced Child Abuse

Catholic Parents in Ireland need to be aware of what is being proposed for their children, even in Catholic schools. There is a global push to sexualise children even before the age of four. One of the big international businesses behind this move is The International Planned Parenthood Federation. They have a vested interested in children becoming sexualised at an early age because they make their money from sex. They are a world leader in providing abortion, contraception, abortion pills, … Read More

Primary Teacher’s Group, Corrupting Irish Children!

The Irish National Teacher’s Organisation (INTO), which boasts that it is, “the largest teachers’ union in Ireland”, is re-launching a competition into Irish primary schools this May 2019, which will corrupt the innocence of children by falsely teaching them that those who live in same-sex relationships are equal to sacramentally married couples . The competition offers a prize of an iPad for the winning class. The theme of the competition is, ‘Different Families, Same Love’. Like much of the evil … Read More

False Teaching on Human Sexuality is Child Abuse

During a hard hitting and sometimes shocking talk at The Lumen Fidei Institute’s Spring conference in Maynooth, John Smeaton, Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, pointed out that many senior Catholic officials are co-operating with, and actively promoting, child abuse, in the name of false, ideologically driven ‘Relationships & Sexuality Education’ programmes in schools. In his closing statement Mr Smeaton said: “Sex education is not the solution to systematic child abuse and exploitation. Indeed, what the … Read More