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Pentecost – The Birthday of the Catholic Church

WHITSUNTIDENo doubt there are some Catholics who remember the beautiful season known as Whitsuntide. This began with Pentecost, also known as Whit Sunday, followed by Whit Monday and Whit Tuesday. Certain beliefs and practices associated with this time, though not necessarily spiritual, had nonetheless the benefit of focussing attention on the significance of the entire season of Pentecost. This liturgical season is preceded in importance only by Easter and Christmas. Before the reform in the liturgical calendar, every Sunday was named as a Sunday after Pentecost – the time we … Read More

Is the Church Militant militant enough?

In this new, weekly column. I shall speak my mind plainly but with affection for all and hatred for none. You will find no challenges to your faith here. One either accepts that the Lord of Life is Who He said He was and that His Church is what He said she would be or one does not. I do. So there. Faith, as the Catechism says, is a supernatural gift of God, by which we are enabled to believe … Read More

The Sad State of the Church

Homily for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The subject I intend to speak about today is not an easy one. But one cannot simply ignore what has been going on and pretend nothing has happened. The scandals we have seen during these past fifty or sixty years are very painful to the Church. And because it hurts, we would be inclined not to talk about it, and simply let it go. However, it would not resolve the matter. Because the … Read More

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