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New Totalitarian World Order

Let us begin with a prayer for our bishops entrusting them to Our Heavenly Mother. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. In this article I am coming back to the subject of vaccination and the moral position with regards to material co-operation in vaccines which have been produced by unethical means. This is a difficult … Read More

Holy Communion and Abortion

Many Catholics and also non-Catholics who, while they do not embrace the Catholic faith, respect the Catholic Church for her teaching regarding faith and morals, have asked me how it is possible for Catholics to receive Holy Communion, while at the same time they publicly and obstinately promote programs, policies and legislation in direct violation of the moral law. In particular, they ask how Catholic politicians and civil officials who publicly and obstinately defend and promote the practice of abortion … Read More

Ireland’s New Religion

(This article is available to download here as it appeared in Catholic Voice. Please feel free to print and share) Let us continue to pray earnestly for our Irish bishops as the evidence continues to grow of a renewed persecution of the Catholic Church in Ireland, the like of which has not been since the Penal times. Although not yet violent, the signs are beginning to emerge that dissent from the new secular religion will not be tolerated for much … Read More

Abortion: The Deceit of the Century

James M Bourke reflects on his new book and explains what motivated him to write a book about the obscenity of abortion. Reflections on the Abortion Issue in Ireland:My monograph, Reflections on the Abortion Issue in Ireland was launched in Limerick on 23rd November, 2019 at the Annual Conference of the Catholic Voice newspaper. It consists of 12 critical essays which tell the story of how abortion was legalised in Ireland. It is not a very edifying story. In fact, … Read More

World’s Most Extreme Abortion Laws proposed for Northern Ireland

Belfast priest voices strong opposition to socialist plan to bring abortion to Northern Ireland.DURING his homily last Sunday, a West Belfast priest voiced his vehement opposition to Labour MP Stella Creasy’s recent amendment to the Northern Ireland Bill. Fr. Paddy McCafferty Parish Priest of Corpus Christi Parish, Ballymurphy said her amendments would see “the most extreme abortion laws in the world” being introduced if devolution is not restored at Stormont by 21 October.  Fr. McCafferty added: “Preventing the killing our … Read More

Calling Evil Good – Holles Street Hospital

Ireland’s National Maternity Hospital is in the news for all of the wrong reasons. The details that have emerged so far, say that a baby was aborted because a preliminary test showed up the possibility of Trisomy 18. The baby was aborted, and then subsequent test results showed no evidence of Trisomy 18. I was born in Holles Street Hospital. My youngest daughter was also born there because of a complicated pregnancy. My wife was in Holles Street for nine … Read More

Meet abortion survivor Claire Culwell at our Celebrating Human Life Conference – May 2019 – Savoy Hotel, Limerick

Saturday 25th May, 2019, is the first anniversary of the referendum which removed legal protection from innocent human beings in their mother’s wombs in Ireland. This will go down as one of the saddest days in Ireland’s long and troubled history. A day when the death sentence was passed on many of Ireland’s future children. The Lumen Fidei Institute will mark this first anniversary by hosting a conference ‘Celebrating Human Life’, in the Savoy Hotel in Limerick from 9.30am to … Read More

The Corruption of Innocents!

An Irish Catholic secondary school, named after Our Lady, hosted a self professed lesbian abortion activist, to raise the LGBT Rainbow flag at the school on Monday 25th February 2019. That young children in Catholic Schools are being exposed to deceitful propaganda which contradicts Catholic teaching on human sexuality is disgraceful. That our Irish Bishops refuse to publicly condemn these public acts, which harm the innocence of children, shows us the power of the media when it comes to the … Read More

Recruiting Killers for Irish Hospitals!

In an unsurprising development, the National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street in Dublin, recently published a job advertisement where they specifically wish to recruit killers for their hospital. The ad is for a consultant in anaesthesia and for a consultant in obstetrics/gynaecology. In the job description it mentions that the new recruits will have certain duties, “which as of 2019 includes elective termination of pregnancy services and the post-holders will be expected to contribute to this new service as part … Read More

Who Then Can Trust Their Doctor?

The news which The Sunday Times (Jan 27th) carried on its banner title that a TD had been denied Holy Communion due to his decision to vote not only for the killing of the unborn, but with the equal rejection of pro-life amendments requested by eleven TD’s, asks that an uneasy question has to be raised with regards to what we have rapidly become. In her excellent letter (Nov 23rd) Fiona Larmon listed the demands which Deputy Tobin and his … Read More

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