The Lumen Fidei Institute is a ‘Not-For-Profit’ Organisation.
Registered in Ireland No: 598532.
All proceeds go to help our work of Helping Catholic Families to Live Catholic Lives.
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Showing all 20 results

  • 100 Eucharistic Miracles Leaflets

    This tri-fold leaflet features three Church approved Eucharistic miracles from the last twenty five years from three different continents. One from Mexico, one from Poland, and One from India.


    Help us to promote belief in the real presence of Christ.


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  • A Catholic Response to Gay Pride

    In this short booklet, Bishop Schneider considers the correct response of Catholic bishops and their flocks to the growing world-wide phenomenon of ‘gay pride’ parades.

    He warns us.

    “We are witnessing an incredible scenario, in which some priests and even bishops and cardinals, without blushing, are already offering grains of incense to the idol of homosexuality or gender ideology, to the applause of the powerful ones of this world, that is, to the applause of politicians, social media giants and powerful international organisations.”

    Price is for FIVE booklets.

    Includes P&P for Ireland & Northern Ireland. P&P added at checkout for other destinations

    For larger quantitiy pricing, please contact John Lacken


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  • Catechism on Modernism

    Father J. B. Lemius, produced this ‘Catechism on Modernism’ in the familiar question and answer format of the time, in order to make the teachings of the Encyclical of Pope Pius X, ‘Pascendi Dominici Gregis’ more accessible to ordinary Catholics and by way of explaining in a clear and concise manner the reasons why the Encyclical was published.


    Paperback 169 pages


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  • Catholic Voice Print Edition

    Postal Subscription to Ireland

    A Fortnightly Catholic Journal printed in Ireland

    Order Your Copy Today

    Never miss an issue of Catholic Voice

    6 month subscription €55.00 Ireland

    12 month subscription Ireland €99.00

    For postal rates outside Ireland please contact


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  • Don’t Go To Hell

    The Classic Catholic Teaching Series

    Catholic Church Teaching on Hell

    This book contains three essays, one in question & answer format, from a time when pastors were more direct and ‘plain speaking’ in presenting the Truth of Catholic doctrine to their flocks. They were primarily concerned with the salvation of the souls entrusted to their care rather than being overly concerned about whether or not their flocks would find these Truths offensive or difficult. They sought the Praise and Glory of God, and not the praise of men.


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  • Elements of a Catholic Reform Based on Truth

    Msgr. Michael Schmitz is the Vicar General of The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. He was born on the 22nd of March 1957 in Germany. He studied at the Gregorian University in Rome and was ordained a priest on October 10, 1982, by His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI.


    In this booklet, based on a talk delivered at the ‘Catholic Voice’ conference in Limerick, in November 2018, Msgr. Schmitz looks at what is meant by a truly Catholic reform, that is, one based on the truths of Scripture, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and Catholic Dogma.


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  • Hostia

    The Power and Presence of the Eucharist

    This powerful and inspiring film begins with the Gospel accounts of how Jesus Christ Instituted the Eucharist.


    Price includes P&P for Ireland & Northern Ireland. P&P added at checkout for other destinations.


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  • Keys of the Kingdom

    Understanding The Papacy

    This exciting and inspiring film begins by outlining the foundations of the papacy when Jesus announces Simon Peter as ‘The Rock’ on which the Church will stand.


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  • Liberalism is a Sin

    Don Félix Sardà y Salvany: – was born on May 21, 1844 in Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain. He was a Catholic priest and writer who wrote against Liberalism which he considered a grave sin. He was the editor of the weekly Spanish Catholic magazine ‘La Revista Popular’ for over forty years. He died on January 2, 1916 at the age of 71. This book, Liberalism is a Sin, is particularly relevant to the times we live in today where Liberalism permeates every aspect of our society and has deeply infiltrated the thinking of many of the Catholic hierarchy.


    Paperback 136 pages


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  • Prevention of Homosexuality book cover

    Prevention of Homosexuality in the Family

    “Today, Catholics must be careful not to be deluded by the lies about homosexuality that are ever more openly proclaimed by gay and pro-gay priests and prelates.”


    This booklet seeks to help parents to avoid certain pitfalls that may incline children towards homosexual behaviour.


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    For larger quantitiy pricing, please contact John Lacken


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  • Purgatory – How to Avoid it

    The Classic Catholic Teaching Series

    Catholic Church Teaching on Purgatory

    This book seeks to create a greater awareness of Purgatory, how we can avoid it, and how we can help those already in Purgatory to gain the beatific vision as quickly as possible by the practice of gaining indulgences for them.


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  • Reflections on the Abortion Issue in Ireland

    James M Bourke has been involved in the pro-life movement in Ireland for many years. Like all those who cherish human life, he was very disappointed when the referendum to repeal the 8th amendment to the Irish constitution was passed. This removed all legal protection from unborn children.


    In this book James shares his reflections on how the referendum was won and on how we must restore legal protection to the unborn regardless of the cost.


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  • Seven Sorrows of Our Lady x 5

    A small booklet containing seven classical art images and seven short meditations on each of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. This is a short form of the Seven Sorrows devotion which consists of reciting seven Hail Marys whilst meditating on each of the Seven Sorrows. The cover is the miraculous image of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows from Quito in Ecuador

    Available to purchase in packs of five.

    For other quantities contact Kim Murphy

    Includes P&P for Ireland & Northern Ireland.


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  • Sin And Its Consequences

    This 144 page book is a collection of sermons from Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.


    This really is a fantastic book which  presents Catholic teaching on sin in a simple, clear and precise way. You will learn about the nature of sin, about the different kinds of sin, mortal and venial, formal and material sins.


    The book also teaches us about sins of omission. After discussing sin, the book then speaks of the great graces offered to us in the sacrament of confession, it teaches us about temptations, about Christ’s suffering and death on the cross, and then it finishes with a very hope filled chapter on the joys of the resurrection.


    Postage & Packing to Ireland: €3.10
    Rest of the World €6.00 added at checkout


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  • Book Cover image featuring Christ crowned with thorns

    The Church In Our Times

    Father Bernard Hahesy retired in April 2018 after over 66 years of service as a priest. Since 1987 he served as the parish priest at St Edward the Confessor parish in Peverell, Plymouth until his retirement. Previous to this he served at the Most Precious Blood in Sidmouth, St Michael & St George in Lyme Regis, St Cyprian’s in Chudleigh and the Holy Family in Bournemouth. His first Plymouth posting was the parish of Our Most Holy Redeemer in Keyham. He is now enjoying a very well earned rest in Nazareth House, Durnford St., Plymouth.


    Postage & Packing to Ireland (including Northern Ireland) €3.10:
    Rest of the World €6.00 added at checkout


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  • The Crisis if Faith In Our Days

    Bishop Athanasius Schneider

    This DVD presentation offers two 50-minute talks by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, delivered during a visit to Ramsgate, Kent, in February 2016

    Price includes P&P for Ireland & Northern Ireland. P&P added at checkout for other destinations.


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  • The Fourth Revolution

    The Vatican Revolution?

    In this booklet, which has a forward by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Dr Thomas Ward, founder of the National Association of Catholic Families, looks at the history of different revolutions which comprise a wide range of attacks on the family and on the rights of parents as primary educators of their children.


    For larger quantitiy pricing, please contact John Lacken


    Includes P&P for Ireland & Northern Ireland. P&P added at checkout for other destinations


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  • There’s A Place For Us

    There’s A Place For Us:
    This Testimony, which was written by a man who has lived the homosexual lifestyle and found it wanting, seeks to reach out to those struggling with same-sex attraction to help them to see the wisdom and beauty of Catholic Truth on human sexuality. True happiness is found by striving to conform one’s life to the teachings of Jesus Christ which He entrusted to the Catholic Church and which she proclaims with clarity. All are called to live in chastity regardless of their sexual attractions.


    This testimony does not shirk away from difficult Catholic teachings but shows with piercing clarity why the Church teaches as she does in the area of human sexuality. In our lives we are called to a lot more than sexual satisfaction. Rather, we are granted the privilege of living life on the highest possible plane in responding to the call of greatness of being the Sons and Daughters of God.


    Post & Packing free in Ireland – added at checkout for other locations


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