The Church in Our Times: is a series of reflections on topical issues concerning the Catholic Church and the practice of the faith. The topics covered cover a wide range of material from ‘Faith and Culture’, to ‘GLBT – New thinking’, to ‘Purgatory and Remembrance’. Fr Hahesy’s style is conversational and he weaves through the various topics all the while pointing to the soul’s need for God. “It is unbelievable how little millions of people know about themselves and the programme the Almighty God designed for them. He created us in the image and likeness of Himself: this is an unimaginable gift, the greatest gift.” The book concludes with some daily prayers and a promise from Fr Hahesy.
“The daily prayers at the end of this book, will ensure the salvation of our soul and a happier life here. Please believe me. It does not seem much to ask for such a great reward. To know and love God is the ultimate good whether people know this or not, accept it or not.”