Showing all 2 results

  • Don’t Go To Hell

    The Classic Catholic Teaching Series

    Catholic Church Teaching on Hell

    This book contains three essays, one in question & answer format, from a time when pastors were more direct and ‘plain speaking’ in presenting the Truth of Catholic doctrine to their flocks. They were primarily concerned with the salvation of the souls entrusted to their care rather than being overly concerned about whether or not their flocks would find these Truths offensive or difficult. They sought the Praise and Glory of God, and not the praise of men.


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  • Purgatory – How to Avoid it

    The Classic Catholic Teaching Series

    Catholic Church Teaching on Purgatory

    This book seeks to create a greater awareness of Purgatory, how we can avoid it, and how we can help those already in Purgatory to gain the beatific vision as quickly as possible by the practice of gaining indulgences for them.


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