Operation Transformation

There is no point in getting religious at 3 AM and looking for a priest as you’re dying. It’s time to wise up, and give ourselves a good wakeup call and stop making excuses. We need to get serious about the souls of our spouses, children, and those entrusted to our pastoral care. The first soul to transform is our own. Let each of us give the example of lived faith.

Make A Plan
1) Holy Mass every Sunday and Holy Day, and weekdays if possible.
2) Monthly Confession – a spiritual weigh in if you like, for all of us.
3) Adoration or at least a visit to the Blessed Sacrament.
4) Daily Holy Rosary.
5) Daily read the Holy Bible.

6) The Angelus Prayer daily.
7) Read two pages of the Catechism of the Catholic Church every day, so you can witness to Christ. Inform yourself about our faith and stop listening to those in the media who are theologically illiterate.
8) Practice acts of charity, forgiveness and mercy.
9) Don’t be a gossip, or hold grudges, be quick to apologise, forgive, take the first step, pray for the other.
10) Read good Catholic books and literature, have good Catholic art in your home.

11) Practice your faith, there is no point in having children baptised and then the next time you show up is for First Holy Communion. Quit that hypocrisy, if you just want an excuse for a party then run through the woods with the baby or whatever else tickles your fancy.
12) Grow up and stop whingeing and making excuses about practicing your faith. We will not be judged about how others live their faith, rather how we have lived ours.
13) Contribute to your parish and stop acting as if you are entitled to free service, we all have bills to pay. We don’t walk into the airline, concert, cinema, garage, doctors, pub, shop, etc for free. Don’t expect a small number of parishioners to pay for you.
14) We are all called to be saints and it takes grace and a lifetime. Don’t expect the clergy and other people in Church to be perfect. We are not, we are all sinners in need of God’s mercy and grace.
15) Realise that there is anti-Catholicism in this country, the best way to counter act it is by prayer, knowledge of our holy faith and trying to live it out to the best of our ability with God’s grace.

16) The media are not the Way, Truth and Life, our dear Lord Jesus Christ is.
17) Lived faith is always exciting, never boring or dull. People who live faith are far more at peace within, and this is seen in their actions especially love and forgiveness.
18) Countless men, women and children serve as outstanding models for us, we call them saints. Some are even in our own families and communities.
19) Care for the Sick, the elderly, the vulnerable, pray for the Holy Souls and all of the Faithful Departed.
20) Go the extra mile, our Lord did for us, seek the higher road of the cross, love your family to heaven not hell. Further the reign and Kingdom of God, not satan or hell.

21) Empty ourselves of the poison of sin in confession and start again when we mess up as we do.
22) Sport is a great gift and joy and we all enjoy it, we may even get a little animated at a game or two. But our priority must be to Keep Holy the Sabbath, then play and watch every game under the sun by all means.
23) Stop looking for excuses we can all find them; I know I’m an expert in that area.