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Vatican Climate Catastrophe?

The Vatican, having embarrassed the Church with numerous errors about climate science is at it again, this time still more embarrassingly. In a silly foreword to a document from the Holy See entitled Pastoral Guidelines on Climate-Displaced People, it maunders: “We are engulfed by news and images of whole peoples uprooted by cataclysmic changes in our climate – forced to migrate … people driven out because their local environment has become uninhabitable … the deteriorating climate … crisis unfolding since … Read More

He That Shall Persevere To The End

In these dark times, where evil abounds, let us pray earnestly for our bishops that their eyes will be opened and that they will finally realise that we are in the midst of a persecution of the Catholic Church rather than being in the midst of a pandemic. Let us pray that they will begin to act accordingly. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro … Read More

The Importance of Catholic Action

I have received some good news from the Archdiocese of Tuam which shows the importance of Catholic Action and which should encourage others who are considering taking similar actions. In the last issue of Catholic Voice, I addressed the issue of an organisation called ‘Sexual Health West’ who promote the homosexual lifestyle and who publicly state that in certain circumstances they will give condoms to children under the age of sixteen, and the fact that they were operating out of … Read More

The Irish Synod

On 10th March 2021, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference announced a new Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland leading to the holding of a National Synodal Assembly within the next five years. The Bishops summarise the purpose of the Synod as: Solidarity, Outreach to the Peripheries and the Promise of a New Pentecost. They say they will be “listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church in an Ireland faced with rapid transformation.” In particular … Read More

Irish – A Blessed Language

“Oh the word of my Lord, deep within my being…” is a familiar hymn based on the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah could say this because when he tried to evade the mission the Lord put before him, he was told not to be afraid. “I then said, ‘Ah, Lord Yahweh; you see, I do not know how to speak: I am only a child!’ But Yahweh replied, ‘Do not say, “I am only a child,” for you must go to all … Read More

Hip Hip Hooray for Scotland

By the Act of Union between England and Scotland in 1707, Scotland retained its own legal jurisdiction. By more recent and less well-thought-through legislation, Scotland now has what it likes to call its own “Government” and what its citizens call the “daft wee parliament” at Holyrood in Edinburgh. The daft wee parliament – also known as the Numptorium – is dominated by Communists masquerading as Scottish nationalists. The Communists, of course, want to leave the UK and rejoin the European … Read More

Battle Fatigue – Darkness and Hope

As I begin this article I have to admit that I recently suffered from what I will call battle fatigue. We had a lovely Easter weekend with family joining us from various parts of the country, even though this is now illegal in Ireland. The weather here in the West was particularly good, and we had a young French visitor who prepared some gorgeous food for us. The family members returned to their homes on Easter Monday afternoon and on … Read More

Holy Communion and Abortion

Many Catholics and also non-Catholics who, while they do not embrace the Catholic faith, respect the Catholic Church for her teaching regarding faith and morals, have asked me how it is possible for Catholics to receive Holy Communion, while at the same time they publicly and obstinately promote programs, policies and legislation in direct violation of the moral law. In particular, they ask how Catholic politicians and civil officials who publicly and obstinately defend and promote the practice of abortion … Read More

Alas, Poor Foolish People

“Alas, poor foolish people, what will you do now? Who will take care of you in your trouble?” Archbishop Saint Laurence O’Toole. Ireland in the late 12th century was seriously in need of Church reform. Devastation rendered by the Norse invasions had left most of the monasteries in ruins and many people were Catholic only in name. Some new monasteries had been established and others, including Clonmacnoise, had recovered, but the great centres of learning that had earned Ireland the … Read More

The United Nations is coming for your Children

At the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, now in session, the Communists who now control most such supranational entities have infiltrated a far-out Left, feminist manifesto into the draft recommendations, which are always carefully prepared in advance and very nearly always nodded through unopposed by For instance, “Guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)”. The use of the calculatedly obscurantist acronym will eventually replace the weasel words “sexual and reproductive health and rights”, for … Read More

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