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Marriage Articles

I began writing articles on Marriage for the fortnightly ‘Catholic Voice’ newspaper in Ireland in December 2013. At some stage I hope to incorporate most of those articles into a book. For now, I will begin to re-publish those articles here on The Lumen Fidei Institute website. They are a great source for those who seek to learn about Catholic Teaching on Marriage and Family life. What follows is the first article I had published. ARTICLE 1 First Published in … Read More

What youth really need today

In this article from the Catholic World Report, Fr Nicholas Gregoris looks at what young people need and at some of the responses they are given by the Church and the world. He says, “Teens are hormonal. Hormones, like feelings and emotions, mutate—and do so frequently. They are unreliable measuring sticks of goodness, truth and beauty.  The Church, on the other hand, is by her very nature “conservative.” The “Magisterium” preserves (“conserves”) the unchanging “Depositum Fidei” (Deposit of Faith) and … Read More

Independent TD Calls Tax Funded Abortion Unethical

IRISH TAXPAYERS DID NOT VOTE TO FUND ABORTION says Carol Nolan, Independent Offaly TD “Public funding of abortion is a gross misuse of taxpayer’s money,” says Carol Nolan, former Sinn Fein and now Independent Offaly TD. Irish people did not vote to fund abortion. Party leaders are betraying their grass root supporters in agreeing to spend taxpayer’s money in this way. Will there be a conscience vote for the withholding of tax by those taxpayers who do not want to … Read More

The Eucharistic Fast

Christ’s boundless Charity “The proof of His boundless charity that Christ the Lord left to his Bride the Church, namely, the inexpressible and supreme gift of the Eucharist, requires us to deepen our appreciation of this great mystery and to share ever more fully in Its saving power. Accordingly, the Church, in its pastoral zeal and care, has repeatedly made practical laws and timely statements of doctrine aimed at furthering devotion toward the Eucharist, the summit and centre of Christian worship”. (Immensae Caritatis 1973, Sacred … Read More

The Sad State of the Church

Homily for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The subject I intend to speak about today is not an easy one. But one cannot simply ignore what has been going on and pretend nothing has happened. The scandals we have seen during these past fifty or sixty years are very painful to the Church. And because it hurts, we would be inclined not to talk about it, and simply let it go. However, it would not resolve the matter. Because the … Read More

Maynooth: “cesspool of liberal theology and heterodoxy”

Former seminary priest speaks out on homosexual subculture and exposes the Irish McCarrick Following the dark revelations of the McCarrick scandal, former seminary formator, Father David Marsden, decided it was time to go public on the real reason he resigned from Maynooth and why he remains deeply concerned about the presence of a powerful gay subculture in the national seminary. Referendum a forbidden topic The year is 2015 and debate in Ireland is dominated by the State’s plan to change … Read More

The Referendum Result & A New Book

The Eight amendment has been Repealed! What should Catholics do now? Many sincere Catholics in Ireland are shocked at the result of the referendum to repeal the 8th amendment to our constitution. Those who campaigned tirelessly, day after day, for a NO vote, feel it particularly. It is a very sad day for Ireland when almost 70% of those who voted, voted to allow the wilful murder, by means of abortion, of unborn Irish children. At The Lumen Fidei Institute, … Read More

“But it is only a woman” – Islam and Women

Women have historically suffered discrimination and ill-treatment to some degree and that is an unfortunate fact. But modern civilised societies in the developed world have safeguards to protect them and laws to treat them as equals. When it comes to categorically victimising and degrading women, however, there is no system more effective than Islam. While countries vary in their extremes, the treatment of women in certain Islamic societies, by and large, is highly objectionable and deeply concerning. Wife-beating, polygamy, child … Read More

Understanding Islam and Dhimmitude

“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, [even if they are] of the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”   Protected or subdued? The above verse (Koran 9.29) refers to the jizya – the special “protection” tax which non-Muslims must pay for themselves and their property in … Read More

Our government wants to legalise the killing of certain innocent children. We, as Catholics, have a duty to stop this!

Although most people are blissfully unaware of it, the week of Friday 19th January 2018, was one of the darkest and most evil weeks in the history of the Irish nation. Grown men and women, many of them parents of children, all of them elected representatives, stood up in the Irish parliament chamber one after the other, to outline the conditions under which they believed that certain human beings, members of our nation, should be allowed to be put to … Read More

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