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Great Saints of History

What their lives can teach us in these troubled times Role models for fallen humanity The history of our Catholic Church points to innumerable great Saints and Martyrs. In addition of course we also have innumerable very powerful holy people that have not been canonised by the Church but who very likely occupy very high places in the heavenly realm. Since Jesus came to earth through the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady the gold standard was set by the Holy … Read More

Lumen Fidei Institute RSE Submission

The Lumen Fidei Institute has responded to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment’s request for submissions on Relationships & Sexuality Education in Irish schools. We point out that the Irish government has uncritically accepted the false and unscientific LGBT agenda and now seeks to impose that agenda on Irish school children regardless of the school’s ethos and regardless of parent’s wishes in this matter. As usual, consultation with parents is minimal and arises after the reports have been commissioned. … Read More

Catholic Parents Wake Up! – Government’s Endgame for your Children

On January 29th, 2019, the ‘Oireachtais Joint Committee on Education and Skills’ published its report on Relationships and Sexuality Education in Ireland. This report, along with another report on the same topic which is due out later this year from the NCCA (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment), represents a part of the government strategy to fully take over the Catholic schools of Ireland and to suppress Catholic teaching on human sexuality in all schools in Ireland. A totalitarian view … Read More

Abortion – The Business of Murder

The picture of the man above is taken from a video that was posted this week on Life Site News. The video is very graphic and very upsetting. The man is an abortionist, and the video shows him rooting through a metal sieve for the body parts of the human being he has just murdered. He measures the little foot in order to confirm the age of this human being and he also holds the crushed head up for the … Read More

Government attacks on Catholic Parents & their Children

A report is being launched today by the Oireachtais Committee on Education & Skills on ‘Relationships & Sexuality Education’ in Irish schools. Media coverage of the report tells us some of what is in the report. The report recommends that all children will be taught about abortion, contraception and all children are to be indoctrinated in the false LGBT ideology regardless of the ethos of the school. This report is the latest move in Government attacks on the rights of … Read More

Coercive Sex-Ed in Irish Catholic Schools

Please Contact Your TD to Oppose Coercive Sex Education: A private members bill was introduced into Dáil Éireann by Paul Murphy of ‘People Before Profit’ on March 28th 2018. The Bill seeks ” to guarantee the right of students to receive factual and objective relationships and sexuality education without regard to the characteristic spirit of the school.”. In other words, they seek to legally impose an RSE programme which contradicts the ethos of Catholic schools. Mr Murphy, in introducing the … Read More

The Media, the politician and Lumen Fidei

Yesterday, I briefly appeared on RTE Six One News in connection with the Josepha Madigan invite to speak at Mother Catherine McCauley’s first foundation. The Sisters of Mercy have withdrawn the use of the Mercy International Centre from the ‘We Are Church’ organisation and Josepha Madigan will not be speaking at this venue, thanks be to God. In her letter to ‘We Are Church’, Sister Mary Reynolds claimed that “to ignore the opposition being expressed would put Mercy International at … Read More

The Lumen Fidei Roadshow 2019

This March sees the beginning of our ‘Lumen Fidei Roadshow’ where we will host a series of meetings around the country to promote the teachings of the Catholic Church and to encourage faithful Catholics to stand and resist the growing secular culture that threatens to engulf Ireland. 2018 was a year of ignominy for Ireland and her people. Legislation was enacted, with the help of corrupt politicians, which allows for the killing of certain innocent human beings in their mother’s … Read More

The Lumen Fidei Institute – Spring Conference

A Clarion Call To Our Bishops From The Catholic Faithful of Ireland The Lumen Fidei Institute Spring Conference Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Tuesday 12th March, 2019. 9.30am to 6.00pm   The Lumen Fidei Institute sent a letter to each of the twenty-five bishops in Ireland last September, to highlight our concerns over the promotion of the LGBT agenda in our Catholic schools and the damage that this will do to children who are educated in these Catholic schools. Seventy-two percent of … Read More

Christian Unity Week – Where To?

Prayer itself is not unity. Several years ago, a well-known English Jesuit priest, Fr. Hugh Thwaites (1917-2012), gave an interview on Catholic television in which he discussed his conversion from Anglicanism to Catholicism. It was clear that, even so many years after his conversion, he still had a great affection for Anglicanism, because it was from the religion of his youth that he got a love of the Scriptures and of Our Lord. However, it was with the conviction that … Read More

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