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A Letter to the Irish Bishops

Dear Bishop, The Lumen Fidei Institute, which represents parents from every diocese in Ireland, would like to invite you to greet us and to join with us in prayer on Tuesday 12th March, 2019. On that day, we will host a conference in The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, which seeks to address some of the problems we lay Catholics are faced with in the Ireland of 2019. At 11.30am, God willing, we will process with a statue of Our Lady of … Read More

The Corruption of Innocents!

An Irish Catholic secondary school, named after Our Lady, hosted a self professed lesbian abortion activist, to raise the LGBT Rainbow flag at the school on Monday 25th February 2019. That young children in Catholic Schools are being exposed to deceitful propaganda which contradicts Catholic teaching on human sexuality is disgraceful. That our Irish Bishops refuse to publicly condemn these public acts, which harm the innocence of children, shows us the power of the media when it comes to the … Read More

Jonah – The Reluctant Prophet

Catholic Men’s Debate. I was invited to speak last week to a group of men in Belfast. The format was very interesting and was based on the American ‘Argument of the Month’ initiative. A topic is chosen for the debate and two Catholics take different positions on the chosen topic. Each speaker presents a ten-minute overview of their position and then each speaker questions the other speaker and seeks to rebut their assertions. Finally, the topic is opened to the … Read More

Recruiting Killers for Irish Hospitals!

In an unsurprising development, the National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street in Dublin, recently published a job advertisement where they specifically wish to recruit killers for their hospital. The ad is for a consultant in anaesthesia and for a consultant in obstetrics/gynaecology. In the job description it mentions that the new recruits will have certain duties, “which as of 2019 includes elective termination of pregnancy services and the post-holders will be expected to contribute to this new service as part … Read More

Who Then Can Trust Their Doctor?

The news which The Sunday Times (Jan 27th) carried on its banner title that a TD had been denied Holy Communion due to his decision to vote not only for the killing of the unborn, but with the equal rejection of pro-life amendments requested by eleven TD’s, asks that an uneasy question has to be raised with regards to what we have rapidly become. In her excellent letter (Nov 23rd) Fiona Larmon listed the demands which Deputy Tobin and his … Read More

Five Reasons for Hope in the New Pro-death Ireland

The repeal of the Eighth Amendment by a two to one majority, swiftly followed by the extreme legislation promised by the government during the course of the referendum debate, might give the impression that Ireland is now a firmly pro-death country and the pro-life movement is finished. There are, however, many reasons to those who adhere to the laws of God and nature on this matter to have hope for the future. 1 The huge mandate the government claims is … Read More

Septuagesima: Between the Keys

We have only just closed the joyful celebration of Christmas with the feast of Candlemas; and the liturgy has cast aside the festive gold and solemn white to vest herself once again with the green of hope during these last few Sundays of January and the first of February. It is hard to believe that Lent is already fast approaching, but that will be made clear with the arrival of Septuagesima Sunday. The ministers will don the violet vestments of … Read More

The Sanctuary of the Family

I was asked to speak at a conference in Galway on Saturday 12th January,  2019, hosted by the newly formed Round Tower Association. The conference was on the role of the Catholic family. Dr William Newton, a professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, gave an interesting presentation where he interviewed his wife Mrs Claire Newton about Catholic family life under the heading ‘The Family: Building the Sanctuary of Life and Love’. The interview was interspersed with … Read More

No – You Are Not Church!

The group “We Are Church Ireland” are sadly deluded in their claim. This self appointed group believe that they are the Church and that whatever they say should be what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. Their misguided beliefs are understandable in an age where proper catechesis is hard to come by, their incredible arrogance less so. Colm Holmes, a spokesman for ‘We Are Church Ireland’, in an interview for Soul Waves Radio referencing Pope Francis said, “Dialogue dialogue dialogue… … Read More

Ignoring the Problem

The Lumen Fidei Institute has responded to Archbishop Eamon Martin’s request for feedback for the forthcoming Vatican summit on abuse. The refusal to acknowledge the homosexual nature of most of the abuse is very disappointing for lay Catholics, especially for those of us who have sons. Pope St John XXIII approved the instruction “Careful Selection And Training Of Candidates For The States Of Perfection And Sacred Orders” which was proclaimed by the Sacred Congregation for Religious on February 2, 1961. … Read More

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