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False Teaching on Human Sexuality is Child Abuse

During a hard hitting and sometimes shocking talk at The Lumen Fidei Institute’s Spring conference in Maynooth, John Smeaton, Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, pointed out that many senior Catholic officials are co-operating with, and actively promoting, child abuse, in the name of false, ideologically driven ‘Relationships & Sexuality Education’ programmes in schools. In his closing statement Mr Smeaton said: “Sex education is not the solution to systematic child abuse and exploitation. Indeed, what the … Read More

Bring Him Home?

Leo Varadkar wants to allow captured ISIS terrorists to be brought back to Ireland! The Taoiseach is willing to risk the security of Irish people Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, speaking at the first EU-Arab League of States summit in Egypt in recent days, said that he would allow ISIS members captured abroad, who hold Irish citizenship, to be brought back to Ireland.  At best the Taoiseach is naïve and underestimates the threat these people would pose.  At worst he is willing … Read More

Islamic Scholar – “Rape of non-muslims OK”

In 2014 a woman called Saud Saleh made some extraordinary statements.  These statements were made on Al-Hayat TV (Egypt) and can be heard in a clip by Memri TV on YouTube.  In the clip she talks of slavery having occurred widely before the advent of Islam and how Islam had “put (slavery) into order, by limiting it to legitimate wars between Muslims and their enemies.” She continues: “The female prisoners of war are ‘those whom you own’.  In order to … Read More

Petition to the Irish Bishops

A Clarion Call To The Bishops of Ireland Petition to the Catholic Bishops of Ireland. 12th March 2019 VOX HIBERNIAE – THE VOICE OF THE IRISH  “It was while I was there that I saw, in a vision in the night, a man whose name was Victoricus coming as it were from Ireland with so many letters they could not be counted. He gave me one of these, and I read the beginning of the letter, Vox Hiberniae, the voice … Read More

HSE Promotes Male/Female Genital Mutilation

In this crazy world we live in where anything goes, it is very interesting to note that the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs is opposed to Female Genital Mutilation, especially in African countries and where such mutilation takes place based on religious or cultural grounds. Such opposition is laudable. However, the Irish Health Service Executive, promotes both Male and Female Genital Mutilation in the name of the false LGBT ideology. On its website, under an article on gender-dysphoria, the HSE … Read More

Advice to Catholic Parents on the Sex Education Bill

First question is: Do you know the material that is already being given to your children? Do you know the outside agencies who are delivering the material? Please find out what is already happening in your school. There are a lot of parents who are horrified when they see the content of classroom material (NOT THE HOMEWORK MATERIAL!) or hear AFTERWARDS about the topics discussed as part of RSE or SPHE. They are horrified to see the pictures and/or PowerPoint … Read More

Manifesto Of Faith

“Let not your heart be troubled!” (John 14:1) In the face of growing confusion about the doctrine of the Faith, many bishops, priests, religious and lay people of the Catholic Church have requested that I make a public testimony about the truth of revelation. It is the shepherd’s very own task to guide those entrusted to them on the path of salvation. This can only succeed if they know this way and follow it themselves. The words of the Apostle … Read More

Turn to the Lord or to ourselves?

Why did bishops, priests and laity not protest?The custom of referring to the priest “with his back to the people” sounds like an anachronism originating in the Middle Ages. It had to wait until the Second Vatican Council to be rectified. However, anyone who takes the time to look into the liturgy document of the Council will not find any instruction for the turning of the altar and the priest towards the people. Many questions regarding this have arisen over … Read More

A Necessary Time

Time. We never have enough time, and certainly we do not have enough time to pray! However, there is often a sad reality beyond a statement like this: we have more important things to do. Everyone makes time for what they love most. Furthermore, in our fast-paced, egocentric culture, we want things now, and the faster the better! However, those who have ever reached a difficult goal know that what is needed is a necessary time of preparation, of training. … Read More

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