Josepha Madigan TD and The Mercy Sisters (updated)

(Update 21/01/19)
Some people have been in contact with the International Mercy Centre on Baggot Street and the update is that Josepha Madigan will no longer be speaking there. Thanks be to God, let us pray for Josepha’s conversion. Ave Maria…


In 1827, the Venerable Sister Catherine McCauley opened the House of Mercy in Baggot street in Dublin. She would go on to found the congregation of the Sisters of Mercy in 1831. A committed Catholic, Sister McAuley desired to carry out the works of mercy in practical ways by helping the poor and the sick. The Sisters of Mercy founded The Mater Hospital in Dublin in 1852 to provide the best in medical care to all who needed it, regardless of their means.

The mission statement of the Mater Hospital says the following.

“By caring for the sick in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, we participate in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ; we honour the spirit of Catherine McCauley and the Sisters of Mercy; we pledge ourselves to respect the dignity of human life; to care for the sick with compassion and professionalism; to promote excellence and equity, quality an daccountability.”

In 2018, Fine Gael TD Josepha Madigan, spearheaded the Fine Gael campaign to allow legislators in Ireland to pass pretend laws that would allow the killing of certain innocent human beings. Hospitals like the Mater Hospital in Dublin, will now be pressured to perform some of these killings, thanks to Josepha Madigan and others and contrary to the spirit of Sister Catherine McCauley.

Interestingly, on February 11th 2019, Josepha Madigan is scheduled to speak at the International Mercy Centre on Baggot street, the first ‘House of Mercy’ opened by Sister Catherine McCauley. She is scheduled to speak at a conference hosted by the schismatic organisation ‘We Are Church’. Her talk will call for the ordination of women, contrary to Catholic teaching on this matter, and is titled “Why the Catholic Church should open all ministries to Women”.

Josepha is also an advocate for easier divorce in Ireland and her private members bill to facilitate the removing of restrictions on divorce in Ireland is due to be incorporated into a referendum which will be held in May 2019.

That Josepha Madigan and ‘We Are Church’ are allowed to use the International Mercy Centre on Baggot Street is an insult to God and to Sister Catherine McCauley. Josepha’s bishop will probably not do anything to correct this poor errant Catholic woman who is endangering her very salvation by her public adoption of positions which are contrary to her expressed Catholic faith. That she is still allowed to serve in certain parish ministries endangers the salvation of others.

If you would like to contact the International Mercy Centre to voice your opposition to this conference you can call them on +353 (0)1 661 8601