During a hard hitting and sometimes shocking talk at The Lumen Fidei Institute’s Spring conference in Maynooth, John Smeaton, Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, pointed out that many senior Catholic officials are co-operating with, and actively promoting, child abuse, in the name of false, ideologically driven ‘Relationships & Sexuality Education’ programmes in schools. In his closing statement Mr Smeaton said:
“Sex education is not the solution to systematic child abuse and exploitation. Indeed, what the Vatican, the bishops of England and Wales and many other bishops around the world are promoting is child abuse, in the name of relationships and sex education, involving immeasurably greater numbers than the scandal of the cases of clerical sex abuse currently afflicting the Church.”
Mr Smeaton pointed out that in 2017, a guide for Catholic educators published by the Bishops of England and Wales, entitled Learning to Love, offers the following description of homosexual relationships . It states:
“Here we would like to emphasise that this exalted form of love exists just as powerfully in relationships between people of the same sex as it does in heterosexual relationships. We applaud the great progress that has been made in countering all forms of discrimination against homosexuality in recent times, and wish to collaborate with efforts to make such discrimination obsolete” (p.17)
Catholic parents need to realise that many senior officials within the Catholic Church are promoting homosexuality as a form of acceptable and normal relationships to young children in schools, at both primary and secondary level. Many other senior officials remain silent in the face of this onslaught against our children and grand children. Catholic parents need to be extra vigilant and they need to take action to protect their families from this dangerous government and Church backed threat to their children.
The Lumen Fidei Institute wishes to thank John Smeaton for this incisive analysis of the situation in Britain. Concerned parents can get in touch with The Lumen Fidei Institute to find out more about how we are organising Catholic Action groups to promote authentic Catholocism by contacting John Lacken secretary@lumenfidei.ie
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