Please Contact Your TD to Oppose Coercive Sex Education:
A private members bill was introduced into Dáil Éireann by Paul Murphy of ‘People Before Profit’ on March 28th 2018. The Bill seeks ” to guarantee the right of students to receive factual and objective relationships and sexuality education without regard to the characteristic spirit of the school.”. In other words, they seek to legally impose an RSE programme which contradicts the ethos of Catholic schools.
Mr Murphy, in introducing the Bill, said it was driven by young people who were also the driving force behind the same-sex relationships referendum and the repeal of the eight amendment referendum. Mr Murphy ignores the wisdom of the ages in favour of the oftentimes ill-informed opinions of young people who do not have much experience of the devastating consequences that irresponsible sexual behaviour cause in society. In the second reading of the Bill in April 2018, Mr Murphy reveals where his focus is. He says “Unfortunately, most school students receive RSE that is grossly distorted by the religious ethos of their schools.”
So much for factual information. The Catholic Church does not give a distorted view of human sexuality, she teaches a consistent message which if followed faithfully will help our young people to avoid the disastrous effects of pre-marital sexual activity which can include sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy as well as other negative psychological effects.
Mr Murphy does not seem to see the irony of calling for RSE which is factual and then saying that the Bill seeks to implement an RSE syllabus which is non gender normative saying that “it would require RSE to cover different genders so that young people know that not everyone is either male or female, that there are non-binary and gender fluid people in society and, of course, in our schools.” That everyone is either Male or Female is a biological fact which can be scientifically demonstrated using DNA sampling. Mr Murphy’s idea of factual had nothing to do with an upholding of facts rather, he regards his ideological opinions on human sexuality as being factual.
Some parents in Galway have studied the proposed changes and have produced a template letter for sending to your TD in Ireland. Please feel free to use this letter in drafting your own personal letter to your TD. If enough TDs are contacted so that this becomes an issue, it will lead to the suppression of this Bill which is an insult to all parents in its heavy handed approach which seeks forcibly indoctrinate innocent children with the corrupt leftist sexual ideology.
I urge you to read this letter as it contains detailed information on what is proposed. You can read and download the template letter HERE