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Calling Evil Good – Holles Street Hospital

Ireland’s National Maternity Hospital is in the news for all of the wrong reasons. The details that have emerged so far, say that a baby was aborted because a preliminary test showed up the possibility of Trisomy 18. The baby was aborted, and then subsequent test results showed no evidence of Trisomy 18. I was born in Holles Street Hospital. My youngest daughter was also born there because of a complicated pregnancy. My wife was in Holles Street for nine … Read More

The New War on our Children

The new war on children in Ireland is mainly a propaganda war, but it will leave as many child victims in its wake as military warfare does. The casualties will be many unless parents stand up to the LGBT bullies who seek to promote their disordered lifestyle by corrupting the minds of young children. In a way I feel sorry for those who adhere to the LGBT lifestyle. They are being manipulated and used by higher powers in order to … Read More

Meet abortion survivor Claire Culwell at our Celebrating Human Life Conference – May 2019 – Savoy Hotel, Limerick

Saturday 25th May, 2019, is the first anniversary of the referendum which removed legal protection from innocent human beings in their mother’s wombs in Ireland. This will go down as one of the saddest days in Ireland’s long and troubled history. A day when the death sentence was passed on many of Ireland’s future children. The Lumen Fidei Institute will mark this first anniversary by hosting a conference ‘Celebrating Human Life’, in the Savoy Hotel in Limerick from 9.30am to … Read More

Primary Teacher’s Group, Corrupting Irish Children!

The Irish National Teacher’s Organisation (INTO), which boasts that it is, “the largest teachers’ union in Ireland”, is re-launching a competition into Irish primary schools this May 2019, which will corrupt the innocence of children by falsely teaching them that those who live in same-sex relationships are equal to sacramentally married couples . The competition offers a prize of an iPad for the winning class. The theme of the competition is, ‘Different Families, Same Love’. Like much of the evil … Read More

The Culture of Death!

In his encyclical, ‘Evangelium Vitae’, Pope St John Paul II famously coined the phrase ‘culture of death’. It is important to re-read these things every now and then to keep them fresh in our minds. “In fact, while the climate of widespread moral uncertainty can in some way be explained by the multiplicity and gravity of today’s social problems, and these can sometimes mitigate the subjective responsibility of individuals, it is no less true that we are confronted by an … Read More

The Demise of Catholic Education in Ireland

Dr Eanna Johnson presented his findings on the collapse of Catholic Education in Ireland at The Lumen Fidei Institute’s Spring conference at The Glenroyal Hotel in Maynooth, on 12th March, 2019. We are delighted to make a video of his talk available and we ask you to share this with other Catholic parents in Ireland who wonder whatever happened to the Irish education system. Dr Johnson’s talk looks at a brief time in the history of Catholic Education in Ireland … Read More

False Teaching on Human Sexuality is Child Abuse

During a hard hitting and sometimes shocking talk at The Lumen Fidei Institute’s Spring conference in Maynooth, John Smeaton, Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, pointed out that many senior Catholic officials are co-operating with, and actively promoting, child abuse, in the name of false, ideologically driven ‘Relationships & Sexuality Education’ programmes in schools. In his closing statement Mr Smeaton said: “Sex education is not the solution to systematic child abuse and exploitation. Indeed, what the … Read More

Advice to Catholic Parents on the Sex Education Bill

First question is: Do you know the material that is already being given to your children? Do you know the outside agencies who are delivering the material? Please find out what is already happening in your school. There are a lot of parents who are horrified when they see the content of classroom material (NOT THE HOMEWORK MATERIAL!) or hear AFTERWARDS about the topics discussed as part of RSE or SPHE. They are horrified to see the pictures and/or PowerPoint … Read More

A Letter to the Irish Bishops

Dear Bishop, The Lumen Fidei Institute, which represents parents from every diocese in Ireland, would like to invite you to greet us and to join with us in prayer on Tuesday 12th March, 2019. On that day, we will host a conference in The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, which seeks to address some of the problems we lay Catholics are faced with in the Ireland of 2019. At 11.30am, God willing, we will process with a statue of Our Lady of … Read More

Jonah – The Reluctant Prophet

Catholic Men’s Debate. I was invited to speak last week to a group of men in Belfast. The format was very interesting and was based on the American ‘Argument of the Month’ initiative. A topic is chosen for the debate and two Catholics take different positions on the chosen topic. Each speaker presents a ten-minute overview of their position and then each speaker questions the other speaker and seeks to rebut their assertions. Finally, the topic is opened to the … Read More

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