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Bernie Smyth – Precious – Life Northern Ireland

The current situation as regards abortion in Northern Ireland is very serious. On 18th July this year, the UK parliament voted to extend both abortion and ‘same-sex marriage’ legislation to Northern Ireland despite the fact that this a breach of the devolution settlement governing Northern Ireland. Once again we see countries who claim to support democracy, undermining democracy. We have seen this same totalitarian attitude down South where Leo Varadkar has consistently tried to place obstacles in the way of … Read More

When Aslan Fought Euthanasia

Bl. Clemens Von Galen (1878 – 1946)Born into a noble German family in Westphalia in 1878, Clemens Von Galen could have led a privileged life. However, after successful university studies, he felt called to the priesthood and was ordained. Working in parishes in Berlin, he was noted for his simple lifestyle, pastoral zeal, clear preaching and a generous love of the poor. He went on to become parish priest of St Lambert’s church in the beautiful city of Munster, in … Read More

World’s Most Extreme Abortion Laws proposed for Northern Ireland

Belfast priest voices strong opposition to socialist plan to bring abortion to Northern Ireland.DURING his homily last Sunday, a West Belfast priest voiced his vehement opposition to Labour MP Stella Creasy’s recent amendment to the Northern Ireland Bill. Fr. Paddy McCafferty Parish Priest of Corpus Christi Parish, Ballymurphy said her amendments would see “the most extreme abortion laws in the world” being introduced if devolution is not restored at Stormont by 21 October.  Fr. McCafferty added: “Preventing the killing our … Read More

Abortion supporters are the extremists.

It is the baby-butchers, not we who oppose them, who are extremistsOn May 25 this year, the anniversary of the Dismal Referendum in which the increasingly totalitarian population voted for baby-butchering, was marked by a Mass of reparation in the recently-restored parish church of the Sacred Heart in Limerick. During recent speculation about whether the arch-Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg might be chosen by the ruling Conservative Party in Britain as its new leader when the most incompetent Prime Minister in our … Read More

Abortion Regrets

We held a very successful conference in Limerick on Saturday 25th May, the first anniversary of the passage of Ireland’s ‘abortion’ referendum which allows the government to legislate for the termination of pregnancy without any restrictions. Due to the wording of the referendum, the Irish people no longer have a say in this matter as the government have freed themselves from the restrictions of our constitution. One of the key points that emerged for me from our conference last Saturday, … Read More

Calling Evil Good – Holles Street Hospital

Ireland’s National Maternity Hospital is in the news for all of the wrong reasons. The details that have emerged so far, say that a baby was aborted because a preliminary test showed up the possibility of Trisomy 18. The baby was aborted, and then subsequent test results showed no evidence of Trisomy 18. I was born in Holles Street Hospital. My youngest daughter was also born there because of a complicated pregnancy. My wife was in Holles Street for nine … Read More

Irish Government Body Promotes Flushing Human Remains Down Toilet.

The sheer determination of the Irish Government to normalise abortion has been revealed through the HSE website. Under a section on abortion titled, “pregnancy remains” the HSE state: ” If you have an abortion before 9 weeks of pregnancy, you can decide how to dispose of the remains. They can be flushed down the toilet or wrapped in tissue and disposed of as you wish. “ Here our government, through the Health Services Executive, is telling women that they can … Read More

Meet abortion survivor Claire Culwell at our Celebrating Human Life Conference – May 2019 – Savoy Hotel, Limerick

Saturday 25th May, 2019, is the first anniversary of the referendum which removed legal protection from innocent human beings in their mother’s wombs in Ireland. This will go down as one of the saddest days in Ireland’s long and troubled history. A day when the death sentence was passed on many of Ireland’s future children. The Lumen Fidei Institute will mark this first anniversary by hosting a conference ‘Celebrating Human Life’, in the Savoy Hotel in Limerick from 9.30am to … Read More

40 Days & 40 Nights for Life in Silverstream Priory

John Carlin writes about an important Pro Life prayer vigil which began on Ash Wednesday, 6th March 2019, and continues until Sunday 14th April 2019 – more Adorers are encouraged to sign up using the contact details at the end of this article. “Yes” side knew how to sell a lie.As we all know, abortion is a procedure that intentionally stops the heartbeat of one of our most vulnerable little brothers and sisters through an act of violence. People can … Read More

Recruiting Killers for Irish Hospitals!

In an unsurprising development, the National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street in Dublin, recently published a job advertisement where they specifically wish to recruit killers for their hospital. The ad is for a consultant in anaesthesia and for a consultant in obstetrics/gynaecology. In the job description it mentions that the new recruits will have certain duties, “which as of 2019 includes elective termination of pregnancy services and the post-holders will be expected to contribute to this new service as part … Read More

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