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The New Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Curriculum

The Provision of Objective Sexuality Education Bill – 2018: Proposes to remove the ability of schools, parents, Boards of Management and the Minister of Education to uphold the ethos of a school when it comes to RSE. Eradication of ethos:The Oireachtas Education Committee took submissions and published a report in January 2019, calling for the removal of ethos as a barrier to RSE and to include more education on LGBT relationships, LGBT specific sexual health issues, gender identity and the … Read More

The Corruption of Catholics

“Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of four-footed beasts, and of creeping things. Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, … Read More

Primary Teacher’s Group, Corrupting Irish Children!

The Irish National Teacher’s Organisation (INTO), which boasts that it is, “the largest teachers’ union in Ireland”, is re-launching a competition into Irish primary schools this May 2019, which will corrupt the innocence of children by falsely teaching them that those who live in same-sex relationships are equal to sacramentally married couples . The competition offers a prize of an iPad for the winning class. The theme of the competition is, ‘Different Families, Same Love’. Like much of the evil … Read More

The Interesting Case of Caroline Farrow

A Catholic journalist who appeared on British television with transgender campaigner, Susie Green, was recently contacted by police because she used a male pronoun to refer to Susie Green’s son Jack, who now goes by the name Jackie. Mrs Green, took her son to Thailand when he was fifteen years old and on his sixteenth birthday, he underwent an operation which mutilated his genitals. In Britain, there is a Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, but there is no corresponding law … Read More

HSE Promotes Male/Female Genital Mutilation

In this crazy world we live in where anything goes, it is very interesting to note that the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs is opposed to Female Genital Mutilation, especially in African countries and where such mutilation takes place based on religious or cultural grounds. Such opposition is laudable. However, the Irish Health Service Executive, promotes both Male and Female Genital Mutilation in the name of the false LGBT ideology. On its website, under an article on gender-dysphoria, the HSE … Read More

The Corruption of Innocents!

An Irish Catholic secondary school, named after Our Lady, hosted a self professed lesbian abortion activist, to raise the LGBT Rainbow flag at the school on Monday 25th February 2019. That young children in Catholic Schools are being exposed to deceitful propaganda which contradicts Catholic teaching on human sexuality is disgraceful. That our Irish Bishops refuse to publicly condemn these public acts, which harm the innocence of children, shows us the power of the media when it comes to the … Read More

No – You Are Not Church!

The group “We Are Church Ireland” are sadly deluded in their claim. This self appointed group believe that they are the Church and that whatever they say should be what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. Their misguided beliefs are understandable in an age where proper catechesis is hard to come by, their incredible arrogance less so. Colm Holmes, a spokesman for ‘We Are Church Ireland’, in an interview for Soul Waves Radio referencing Pope Francis said, “Dialogue dialogue dialogue… … Read More

Ignoring the Problem

The Lumen Fidei Institute has responded to Archbishop Eamon Martin’s request for feedback for the forthcoming Vatican summit on abuse. The refusal to acknowledge the homosexual nature of most of the abuse is very disappointing for lay Catholics, especially for those of us who have sons. Pope St John XXIII approved the instruction “Careful Selection And Training Of Candidates For The States Of Perfection And Sacred Orders” which was proclaimed by the Sacred Congregation for Religious on February 2, 1961. … Read More

Lumen Fidei Institute RSE Submission

The Lumen Fidei Institute has responded to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment’s request for submissions on Relationships & Sexuality Education in Irish schools. We point out that the Irish government has uncritically accepted the false and unscientific LGBT agenda and now seeks to impose that agenda on Irish school children regardless of the school’s ethos and regardless of parent’s wishes in this matter. As usual, consultation with parents is minimal and arises after the reports have been commissioned. … Read More

Maynooth: “cesspool of liberal theology and heterodoxy”

Former seminary priest speaks out on homosexual subculture and exposes the Irish McCarrick Following the dark revelations of the McCarrick scandal, former seminary formator, Father David Marsden, decided it was time to go public on the real reason he resigned from Maynooth and why he remains deeply concerned about the presence of a powerful gay subculture in the national seminary. Referendum a forbidden topic The year is 2015 and debate in Ireland is dominated by the State’s plan to change … Read More

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