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Queen of Ireland

When we are wearied with speculation and uncertainty in regard to what is happening in our beloved Church, let us take the time to watch and pray in silence at the liturgical shrine at Knock. Our Blessed Mother has been assumed body and soul into heaven and it is in her glory as Queen that she has revealed herself here. “The brightest splendours of the Lamb’s redemption fall on her. Immaculate – radiant white she stands, flooding the still amazement … Read More

Looking for the Positives in Restrictions

It seems like a contradiction to say some positive effects arose from the various restrictions we endured while helping to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Those faithful people who did their best as far as possible, to attend Mass, were overjoyed when eventually they were permitted to be present actually and not virtually, for the Sunday celebration in their own parish. One priest reported that the congregation spontaneously joined together in singing “Queen of the May” at the end … Read More

Mammon or God?

No Man Can Serve Two Masters.For Either He Will Hate The One, And Love The Other:Or He Will Sustain The One, And Despise The Other. Matthew 6:24 The above quotation from St Matthew’s Gospel, pertains to more than just money. In many situations throughout our lives, we are called to choose between God and other things or people that we may love. A baptised Catholic relative decides to get married outside of the Church in a registry office. Family members … Read More

Defending Catholic Tradition

The latest motu proprio of Pope Francis, ‘Traditionis Custodes’, reversing the legislation of his predecessors, St. John Paul II (1984 and 1988) and Benedict XVI (2007), on the use of the Missal of Pope St. Pius V, can only be seen as a contradiction of the two themes of his papacy – Mercy and “who am I to judge”. It is difficult to read Pope Francis’ letter to bishops without concluding that it is highly judgemental and omits even the … Read More

The Burning of Churches

It was the Church that first spoke out against Hitler, in the courageous sermons of Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich and in the encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge, drafted for Pope Pius XI by his successor, Pope Pius XII, while the rest of the world was appeasing the dictator. It was the Church, through the courage of countless priests and prelates, from Cardinal Mindszenty to Pope St. John Paul II, that implacably opposed Communism. The burning to the ground of a dozen … Read More

The Harvest is Rich – Pray for Labourers

In this article I would like to take a break from the bad news and focus on some good news, a light shining in the darkness, if you will. But let us begin by praying an Ave for our bishops. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. Sometime in either 2009 or 2010, my family and … Read More

No Greater Love – St Maximilian Kolbe

No more for him, the joys of spring,Or summer’s gentle breeze,Or autumn’s hue, first winter’s snow,And elegant leafless trees. Or to sit and watch the setting sun,The Galaxies a-glow,The Great Bear, Plough, the Milky Way,Nature’s star studded show. No more the blackbird’s song to thrill,Soothing, serene, forlorn,The fox away, the bunny at play,In a field of golden corn. Nor to hear the cry of the infant babe,As the cleansing water is poured,Or young love’s boast,on their wedding day toast,To a … Read More

Mass And The Snowflake Generation

Due to the restrictions arising from the Covid 19 Pandemic, the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation have been delayed. However many parishes are now beginning to celebrate these sacraments with the months of July, August and September being for the first time the months when children will receive the sacraments. When we take a look at their religion books and the things some children say, we might have some concerns as to what these boys and … Read More

The Restoration of Public Morality

When Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for Health was secretly filmed in an amorous embrace with someone who was not his wife, he gave as his reason for resigning his high office his failure, by that furtive embrace, to keep a safe and infection-beating distance from a non-member of his household in accordance with pettifogging, incomprehensible and no longer necessary rules that he had himself eagerly inflicted upon everyone else. However, there was not a word of apology from Mr … Read More

Totalitarian Persecution

The Church has long been seen as the arch-enemy by totalitarians, who hate and fear the independent-mindedness and unwillingness to defer to any mere Party Line that are the glorious consequences of loyalty to God, country and family. The most effective tactic of totalitarian fanatics is organised reputational assault on all who have proven publicly successful in opposing their false ideology. Here, “false” has a particularly strong meaning: for the hallmark of totalitarianism, in all its forms, is its insistence … Read More

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