The current situation as regards abortion in Northern Ireland is very serious. On 18th July this year, the UK parliament voted to extend both abortion and ‘same-sex marriage’ legislation to Northern Ireland despite the fact that this a breach of the devolution settlement governing Northern Ireland.
Once again we see countries who claim to support democracy, undermining democracy. We have seen this same totalitarian attitude down South where Leo Varadkar has consistently tried to place obstacles in the way of implementing the democratic ‘Brexit’ decision of the British electorate.
Totalitarian regimes brook no opposition and the tiniest resistance must be ruthlessly crushed.
Bernadette Smyth, a tireless campaigner in protecting the lives of the unborn and founder of the pro-life organisation ‘Precious Life’ , gave a talk at our ‘Celebrating Human Life’ conference, which was held on the 25th May 2019, to mark the first anniversary of the passing of the abortion referendum in Ireland. We are happy to be able to make this talk available for sharing.
For those who are not familiar with Bernadette’s work or with the nature of the political situation in Northern Ireland, here is a like to a recent podcast with Life Site News’ Jonathon Van Maren where he interviews Bernadette Smyth and asks her about these topics.
The Van Maren Show with Bernadette Smyth
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