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Priestly celibacy: a sign of contradiction

Who is in need of such a witness?Much has been said in many places as to why the idea floated at the Amazon synod as to ordaining married men to the priesthood is such a terrible one. I see no reason for going over those arguments again here. But one reason that I have not seen discussed (although, of course, it may well have been) was the powerful witness the celibate priest provides for chastity in this age of rampant … Read More

The grave evil of pornography.

One of the most evil and heinous crimes ever committed in Ireland.A few issues back I alluded to some of the details that were in the media concerning the trial for murder of two teenage boys of a fourteen year old girl, Ana Kriégel. The case was still before the courts at the time so I was constrained in what I could say concerning it. Since then the jury has reached its verdict, finding both boys guilty of her murder … Read More

The Persecution of Cardinal Pell?

Christian persecution takes many forms. Sometimes it is a knife on a Libyan beach, taking the head of a believer who refuses to repudiate Christ even when threatened with death. Often it is done under the guise of ‘justice’, where those Muslim countries that operate Sharia law allow non-Muslims to be treated as second-class citizens. Increasingly in the West it wears the mask of ‘tolerance’, where those who refuse to comply with secular liberal values are treated as haters and … Read More

The Cervical Cancer Scandal and a Wicked Omission

The real cause of the scandal.The cervical cancer scandal has garnered a great deal of media attention. The scandal, in summary, is as follows. The Irish health service offers women a free screening service, generally called a smear test, to check for pre-cancerous cells. In a number of cases the labs doing the screening recorded a false negative result. Some of these women went on to develop cervical cancer subsequent to this; some have died, others have a terminal diagnosis. … Read More

Five Reasons for Hope in the New Pro-death Ireland

The repeal of the Eighth Amendment by a two to one majority, swiftly followed by the extreme legislation promised by the government during the course of the referendum debate, might give the impression that Ireland is now a firmly pro-death country and the pro-life movement is finished. There are, however, many reasons to those who adhere to the laws of God and nature on this matter to have hope for the future. 1 The huge mandate the government claims is … Read More