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Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat.

The Triumph of the Risen Christ.The moving of the day celebrating the solemnity of Corpus Christi from Thursday to Sunday brought about changes, perhaps unforeseen. This applies particularly to the procession historically associated with Corpus Christi. In the past every school child was familiar with this great feast which meant not alone a free day, but very different things were happening involving the entire town or village. The Catholic Church is renowned for processions. There is a long history attached … Read More

Pentecost – The Birthday of the Catholic Church

WHITSUNTIDENo doubt there are some Catholics who remember the beautiful season known as Whitsuntide. This began with Pentecost, also known as Whit Sunday, followed by Whit Monday and Whit Tuesday. Certain beliefs and practices associated with this time, though not necessarily spiritual, had nonetheless the benefit of focussing attention on the significance of the entire season of Pentecost. This liturgical season is preceded in importance only by Easter and Christmas. Before the reform in the liturgical calendar, every Sunday was named as a Sunday after Pentecost – the time we … Read More

Heaven & Earth are full of Your Glory

“Thou standest amid cherubim and seraphim and other exalted spirits of high rank.” Nurturing a sense of the supernatural Spiritual reality in times past, was nurtured by the Catholic environment. While most noticeably in churches, the sense of the supernatural also existed in the minds and hearts of the faithful.  It is hard to keep this in mind now when the secular world intrudes into the sacred, as it so often does. Churches, especially the newer buildings, no longer have … Read More

Turn to the Lord or to ourselves?

Why did bishops, priests and laity not protest?The custom of referring to the priest “with his back to the people” sounds like an anachronism originating in the Middle Ages. It had to wait until the Second Vatican Council to be rectified. However, anyone who takes the time to look into the liturgy document of the Council will not find any instruction for the turning of the altar and the priest towards the people. Many questions regarding this have arisen over … Read More

On Whose Constant Intercession

During the month of November the relics of Saint Therese and Saints Louis and Zelie Martin were welcomed to the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Kilannin, County Galway. This was arranged by Mrs. Gráinne Faherty, whose late husband had been a “Knight of St. Therese.” Along with parishioners, people from neighbouring parishes and other parts of the county turned out in hundreds to venerate the sacred relics. In a highly reverential atmosphere, people of all ages lined … Read More

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